Guide to Information

The purpose of our Guide to Information, available through the Model Publication Scheme 2021has been developed to:

  • allow the public to see what information is available (and what is not available) for Edinburgh Leisure in relation to each class in the Model Publication Scheme 2018
  • state what charges may be applied 
  • explain how you can find the information easily
  • provide contact details for enquiries and to get help with access to the information 
  • explain how to request information that we hold which has not been published

More about our Guide to Information

Availability and Formats

The information published through the Model Publication Scheme is, wherever possible, available on our website.  In the Classes of Information section, select the class required. Click here to access.

 We offer alternative arrangements for people who do not want to, or cannot, access the information online or by inspection at our premises. For example, we can usually arrange to send information to you in paper copy (although there may be a charge for this – see Charges below).

 Exempt Information

We will publish the information we hold that falls within the classes of information below. If a document contains information that is exempt under Scotland's freedom of information laws (for example sensitive personal information or a trade secret), we will remove or 'black out' the information before publication and explain why.


Where Edinburgh Leisure holds the copyright in its published information, the information may be copied or reproduced without formal permission, provided that:

• It is copied or reproduced accurately

• It is not used in a misleading context, and

• The source of the material is identified

Where Edinburgh Leisure does not hold copyright in information we publish, we will make this clear.


This section explains when we may make a charge for our publications and how any charge will be calculated. There is no charge to view information on our website or at our premises.

There is no charge to view information on our website, through our Publication Scheme or at our premises. All information in our Guide to Information on our website is available to download for free.

We may charge you for providing information, but we will charge you no more than it costs us to do so. We will always tell you what the cost is before providing the information to you.

Our photocopying charge per side of paper is shown below: 

  • Black and White photocopying = 10p per A4 page
  • Colour photocopying = 20p per A4 page

Information provided on CD-Rom will be charged at £1.00 per computer disc.

Postage costs will be recharged at the rate we paid to send the information to you. Our charge is for sending info by Royal Mail First Class.

When providing copies of pre-printed publications, we will charge no more than the cost per copy, pro rata, of the total print run.

We do not pass on any other costs to you in relation to our published information.

Contact Us

You can contact us for assistance about any aspect of this publication scheme or help to find and request information:

Information Compliance Section

Edinburgh Leisure Head Office

Meadowbank Sports Centre

London Road



T: 0131 458 2100




We will also advise you how to ask for information that we do not publish or how to complain if you are dissatisfied with any aspect of the publication scheme.

If you wish to make a request for information not contained in the publication scheme, you can could also click on this link and complete our online Enquiry Form.


Once published through the Guide to Information, the Information will be available for the current and previous two financial years.

Where information has been updated or superseded, only the current version will be available (previous versions may be requested from Edinburgh leisure under section 1 (1_) of FOISA).

Our Guide to Information will contain a ‘last reviewed’ date showing when the document was last reviewed, to ensure it contains the most up to date information.

We publish all the information that we hold within the following classes. Once information is published under a class we will continue to make it available for the current and previous two financial years.

Where information has been updated or superseded, only the current version will be available. If you would like to see previous versions, you may make a request to us for that information.

Information about Edinburgh Leisure, who we are, where to find us, how to contact us, how we are managed and our external relations.

The information we publish under this class includes:How to access it

General Information

Who We Are
Information about Edinburgh Leisure, who we are and what we do. 
Ask Us
Our Ask Us portal, where you can find answers to our frequently asked questions about bookings, activities, memberships and more. 
Contact Details
Contact Details for our Head Office can be found in the website footer on every page. For venue contact details see relevant Venue page on our website. To contact us for any enquiry use our Ask Us 'Enquiry Form'
News about Edinburgh Leisure e.g. news releases, newsletters.

Corporate Giving
Details on our Corporate Partners & Corporate Giving corporate partners and corporate giving.

How We Are Run

Senior Leadership Team
A list of Edinburgh Leisure Directors including their roles and responsibilities.
Senior Leadership Team
Our Board
Who our Board memers are and their responsibilities.
Online - Our Board
Our Auditors
Details of our Auditors
65 Haymarket Terrace
EH12 5HD
Organisational Chart
Details the organisational structure of Edinburgh Leisure and our Senior Leadership Team.
On Request
Memorandum of Association
Information under the Companies Act 1989 on Edinburgh Leisure and its establishment.
Subsidiary companies
Details of any subsidiary companies wholly owned by Edinburgh Leisure
On Request
Annual report & Financial statements
Annual report and audited financial statements.

Information Compliance

Model Publication Scheme 2018 
Edinburgh Leisure has adopted the Scottish Information Commissioner Model Publication
Scheme 2018 (Updated 2021).
Model Publication Scheme 2018 (Updated 2021)
How to make a request for personal information
How to apply your rights under the General Data Protection Regulations and the Data Protection Act 2018 & request personal information held by Edinburgh Leisure about you. Use our Enquiry Form and Select Freedom of Information / Subject Access Request.
Online - Ask Us - Submit A Ticket
How to make a freedom of information request
How to request information from Edinburgh Leisure. Use our Enquiry Form and Select Freedom of Information / Subject Access Request.
Online - Ask Us - Submit A Ticket
How to complain or make a comment
How to complain or make a comment. Use our Enquiry Form and we will make sure this is raised  with the right department / venue.
Online - Ask Us - Submit A Ticket
Guide to Information 2024
Edinburgh Leisure Guide to Information it makes available under the Model Publication Scheme 2018 (updated 2024).
Edinburgh Leisure's Information Charging Policy
Details of Edinburgh Leisure's Charging Policy for information requests.
Edinburgh Leisure's Information Charging Guide

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Information about our work, our strategy and policies for delivering functions and services and information for our service users.

The information we publish under this class includes:How to access it

Information for Service Users

Our Venues
Our venues, contact details, facilities, activity programmes opening hours of our venues and prices.
Information on a range of activities that can be experienced in our venues.
Book Now
Our booking portal where you can book for an activity in any of our venues
Join Us
Information on the different types of memberships on offer and how you can join.

Details of all the membership products available and how to join.

Pay as You Go
Information on how you can access our venues and activities on a Pay As You Go basis.

Information on our range of sports coaching lessons, led by qualified and experienced coaches for adults and children

Coaching FAQs
Have a question about coaching, find out more in our Coaching FAQs.

Support Us
Information on the ways you can be part of the movement and make a difference to local people’s lives, from taking on a fundraising challenge, to volunteering your time, to simply spreading the word about the benefits of physical activity.

Active Communities
Our Active Communities programme supports around 10,000 people a year to get active to improve their health and wellbeing
Active Communities
Regularly updated information, insight, and stories on what’s going on across our venues and services.

An overview of our programmes and volunteering opportunities with Edinburgh Leisure

Information on our current job vacancies and our Applicant Portal.

Our Organisational Compass
Our organisational compass acknowledges our ambitions around net zero by referencing; 'we care about the wellbeing of our people, our city and our planet'.
Our Organisational Compass

Strategies for delivering our services

Venue/Section Plans
Edinburgh Leisure operational plans for venues and support services. These service plans are not published but can be requested from us under the Act.
On Request
Health & Safety Policies
Health & safety policies including Child Protection Policy, Safe Swim Guidelines and general Health
& Safety in the workplace.
Disability provision
Information on how we make our facilities accessible to our public, and our disability activities
and memberships.
On Request
Edinburgh Leisure Inclusive Access StatementInclusive Access Statement

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Information about the decisions we take, how we make decisions and how we involve others.

The information we publish under this class includes:How to access it

Decision Making

Approved Board Reports
The reports for our Board Meetings.
Approved Board minutes
The approved minutes from our Board/Committee Meetings. The approved minutes will be published as soon as they have received approval (Redacted)

Board Agendas
The agendas for our Board Meetings.

Governance Documents

Reports of Inspections
Reports of inspections, audits and investigations carried out.
On Request
Public Consultations
Details of any consultations we have undertaken with the general public.
On Request

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Information about our strategy for, and management of, financial resources (in sufficient detail to explain how we plan to spend public money and what has actually been spent).

The information we publish under this class includes:How to access it
Senior Staff/Board Member expenses
Details of senior staff/board member expenses.
On Request
Pension Arrangements
Details of Edinburgh Leisure’s pension arrangements.
On Request
Pay & Grading Structure
Pay & grading structure for Edinburgh Leisure staff.
On Request
Financial management and administration policies and procedures
Standing orders.
Standing Orders
Annual Report & financial statements
Annual report and audited financial statements.
Funding Awards
Details of funding received for our programmes.
On Request

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Information about how we manage the human, physical and information resources of the authority.

The information we publish under this class includes:How to access it

Human Resource Policies

Access to Facilities Policy
Outlines the policy for staff access to facilities.
On Request
Access to Personal Files Policy
Outlines the policy for staff access to personal files.
On Request
Adoption, Maternity, Paternity and Shared Parental Leave Policy
The policy explains the leave and pay arrangements for staff if they, or their partner, are having a baby or adopting a child. 
On Request
Agreement with Trade Unions
Details agreements with Trade Unions.
On Request
Alcohol Drugs & Substance Abuse Policy
Outlines support provided to staff if they have issues with alcohol, drug and substance abuse.
On Request
Attendance Management Policy
Explains the procedures and guidelines to assist managers and employees during absence from work due to illness.
On Request
Bullying and Harassment Policy
Details our policy on bullying and harassment in the workplace
On Request
Cafe Refresh

Personal hygience policy and catering uniform standards 

On Request
Career Break Policy
Outlines the policy for employees to take a break from paid employment, which could be to deal with personal responsibilities or for other personal reasons.
On Request
Conflict of Interest Policy
Outlines policy to ensure that no unfair advantage or disadvantage occurs as a result of personal, family, social or financial relationships. Ensures we are guided in our activities by the ‘Seven Principles of Public Life’ set out by the Nolan Committee.
On Request
Covid-19 employee self insolation procedure
Explains when you must self-isolate as part of the national action to prevent the spread of Covid-19.
On Request
Death in Service Policy
This policy applies to all employees of Edinburgh Leisure, including those on temporary Contracts, who die in service. For avoidance of doubt, this policy does not apply to service providers, consultants, or agency staff
On Request
Disciplinary Procedure
Outlines the Disciplinary procedures to help and encourage all employees to improve, achieve and maintain required standards of conduct whilst ensuring that all employees are treated fairly, consistently, and without discrimination.
On Request
Employee Benefits
Edinburgh Leisure has this policy to help everyone know what additional benefits are available and how to access them. Our benefits are offered to reward loyalty, encourage motivation and recognise the contribution of our employees. All the benefits outlined are not contractual unless specifically denoted within the Statement of Particulars.
On Request
Employee Privacy Notice November 2022
Outlines what personal data Edinburgh Leisure collects and processes as an employer.
On Request
End of Contract Policy
This policy sets outs what happens when an EL contract ends, what the notice period is, and what we expect from employees at this time.
On Request
Energy & Sustainability
Details Edinburgh Leisure's energy and sustainability commitment, and what steps we are taking to making our city a healthier, greener and more sustanable place to live.
Energy & Sustainability
Equal Opportunities Policy
Policy aims to prevent all forms of discrimination in the provision of services and employment of people, particularly on the grounds of sex, marital status, disability, race, colour, religion, sexual orientation, nationality, ethnic origin,
On Request
Equality and Diversity Policy
Outlines how we will avoid discriminating against people, and how we will create a safe and inclusive atmosphere for our members and service users.
On Request
Expenses Procedures
Our procedure on the reimbursement of expenses.
On Request
Extreme Weather Policy
This policy aims to ensure that fair treatment is applied as far as possible when extreme weather conditions affect people’s ability to work their contracted hours.
On Request
Facilities Management Plan
Outlines how Facilities Management will support and improve the standards of our facilities by managing our physical assets.
Facilities Management Plan (820kb pdf)
Flexible Working
This policy explains the different types of working arrangements that are in place in Edinburgh Leisure and sets out the framework to use for requests to work flexibly.
On Request
Freedom Of Information Procedures
Procedures & Guidance for Staff.
On Request
Further & Higher Education Support Policy
The purpose of the policy is to ensure that employees requesting support to undertake further and higher education qualifications are aware of the application process and that they understand the criteria for approval of support.
On Request
Hybrid Working Policy 2022
Details arrangements for employees who are permitted to work from a combination of home, our offices, and venues.
On Request
Health & Safety
Health and safety policy and procedures for Edinburgh Leisure. Outlines what staff can expect from Edinburgh Leisure and what Edinburgh Leisure expects of staff regarding Health and Safety.
Job Evaluation Policy
The purpose of our Job Evaluation policy is to explain the process of job evaluation.
On Request
Job Grade Structure 2022
Edinburgh Leisure's Salary Grades & Positions
On request
Learning Development and Qualifications Policy
This policy explains how we are all expected to take responsibility for performance, learning and development. We invest in learning and development to improve the competency and efficiency of our staff, enabling everyone to contribute to Edinburgh Leisure objectives.
On Request
Leave of Absence Policy
This policy covers any time off from work except for maternity, paternity, parental, and adoption leave; personal sickness absence; suspension; career breaks, time off for union duties and activities and extreme weather which are covered in separate policies.
On Request
Menopause Policy 2023
Sets out guidelines for employees and managers on providing the right support to manage menopausal systems at work
On Request
Pandemic Policy
This policy sets out Edinburgh Leisure’s provisions and expectations on the part of its employees and management in the event of a pandemic occurring. Every effort will be made to maintain the services we provide, especially those that are critical to the wellbeing of the community. Services will be tailored to the level of pandemic alert and requirements set out in business continuity plans.
On Request
Pay Policy
Details how pay levels will be determined and detail all additional payments that may apply while working for us
On request
Pay Policy Salary Structure
Details of Edinburgh Leisure's Salary Structure
On request
Pension Regulations Policy
Policy Statement Regarding Local Government Pension Scheme (Administration) (Scotland) Regulations 2008.
On Request
Processing & Handling Data Policy
This policy is in place to ensure that staff are aware of the obligations and expectations of them when they handle data as part of their role with EL. Everyone who processes data within EL, must do so within appropriate legislative guidelines
On Request
Recognition Policy
We want to create a culture where people receive recognition for a job well done. We want to celebrate great behaviours, great customer service, achievements and reward our role models
On Request
Recruitment Policy
The aims of the policy are to promote equality of employment opportunities and the elimination of discrimination in employment.
On Request
Recruitment & Selection - Guidance Notes for Applicants
Guidance Notes for applicants which will help to explain our recruitment and selection process. Includes instructions for completing applications and details of how we collect and use personal data.
Guidance Notes for Applicants
Redundancy Policy
Outlines the process of dismissal of employees through redundancy.
On Request
Respect Policy
This policy sets out how to respond to and deal with any situation at work where you feel under threat. The founding principle is that everyone should treat and be treated with respect and without fear of harm
On Request
Retirement and Pension Policy
This policy provides guidance on pension and retirement.
On Request
Safeguarding Policy
Details Edinburgh Leisure's policy & procedure for safeguarding children.
Safeguarding Policy 2023
Smoking - Customer Statement
This policy is in place to ensure Edinburgh Leisure complies with ‘The Smoking, Health and Social Care (Scotland) Act 2005’and ‘The Prohibition of Smoking in Certain Premises (Scotland) Regulations 2006’. This policy is also in place to protect the health of our employees in line with the ‘Health and Safety at Work Act’(1974).
On Request
Smoking Policy
This outlines our Policy on Smoking - Smoking is not permitted in any of our facilities. This includes any form of smoking, including cigarettes, cigars, pipes or any of the smoke free vapour cigarette alternatives.
On Request
Social Media Policy
This policy aims to ensure that everyone who is employed by Edinburgh Leisure understands their responsibilities when using Social Media.
On Request
Speak Up Policy
This policy helps staff to 'speak up' and raise any concerns that are impacting on them at work. This policy sets out how to raise any concerns and the mechanisms to enable these to be explored, discussed and resolved.
On Request
Staff Representative Group Approved Minutes
Approved minutes (redacted) of Staff Reps Group.
On Request
Staff Uniform Policy
This policy is in place to detail the rationale behind staff uniforms and to explain expectations of staff who are required to wear a staff uniform
On Request
Stress Policy
This policy explains the action we are taking as an employer with regard to stress related problems in the workplace.
On Request
Supporting Performance and Improvement Policy
We expect all our employees to perform the duties of their role to a consistently high standard. This policy provides a consistent framework for us to address any concerns that we have with any employees’ performance
On Request
Time Off for Union Duties & Activities Policy
Details guidelines on the granting of time off for trade union duties and activities, and on the provision of facilities to assist officials in the exercise of their functions.
On Request
Training & Development Policy
Details how Edinburgh Leisure aims to develop and improve the competency and efficiency of all staff both as members of teams and as individuals to enable the maximum delivery of service to our customers.
On Request
Transfer Policy
Details how employees of Edinburgh Leisure can apply to transfer to work at another venue in the same type of post.
On Request
Travel & Expenses Policy
Details how Edinburgh Leisure will reimburse reasonable expenses incurred by employees while on authorised business.
On Request
Vehicle and Driving Policy
This purpose of this policy is to ensure that staff and Edinburgh Leisure meet necessary vehicle and driving at work requirements as laid out by Health & Safely legislation, Inland Revenue regulations and requirements from our insurance companies.
On Request
Whistleblowing Policy
Provides guidance to employees on the action to take in disclosing a serious wrongdoing such as fraud or dangerous practices at Edinburgh Leisure.
On Request
Working Time Policy
Sets out the detail from the Working Time Directive that anyone arranging working patterns needs to be aware of.
On Request

Information, Facility Management & Other Policies

Accident Statistics
Statistical detail of accidents and incidents at venues in Edinburgh Leisure

Asbestos Policy Management Plan
Our policy and procedures for managing asbestos; details an effective organisational means for controlling the risk to health from asbestos within properties owned by the insert Council name but managed by Edinburgh Leisure.
On Request
Asset Strategy Management Plan
Details Edinburgh Leisure asset management plan.
Asset Strategy (971kb pdf)
Carbon Reduction Commitment

Report and statistics on Edinburgh Leisure compliance with CRC Legislation.

CCTV Code of Practice and Procedures
Details Edinburgh Leisure policy and procedures for the monitoring, recording, holding and processing of images of identifiable individuals constitutes personal data as defined by the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA).
On Request
Data Protection Policy
This policy details how personal information about employees and customers will be kept and processed by Edinburgh Leisure. It follows the principles of the Data Protection Act and subsequent Codes as published by the UK Information Commissioner.
On Request
Disclosure Handling Policy
Outlines the process for the correct handling, holding and destroying Disclosure information, provided by Disclosure Scotland under Part V of the Police Act 1997, for the purposes of assessing applicants’ suitability for positions of trust.
On Request
Energy & Sustainability Plan
Details Edinburgh Leisure's energy & sustainability plan.
Energy & Sustainability Policy Management Plan (328kb pdf)
Energy Awareness
Details staff responsibilities for good practice to reduce energy usage.
Energy Awareness (40kb pdf)
Energy Efficiency Review
Details Edinburgh Leisure policy on managing energy usage and promoting energy efficiency.
Energy Efficiency Review 2007 (47kb pdf)
Environmental reports
Details of reports on environmental issues e.g. sustainability, energy usage, carbon footprint etc.
On Request
Facilities Management Plan
Outlines how Facilities Management will support and improve the standards of our facilities by managing our physical assets.
Freedom Of Information Procedures
Procedures & Guidance for Staff.
On Request
Gender Pay Gap
Edinburgh Leisure’s 'Gender Pay' information, produced in line with our legal requirements. We are delighted to report that we have no gender pay gap, and we will continue to work to maintain this position
Gender Pay Gap Data 2022
Gender Pay Gap Data 2021
Green Plan
The Green Plan sets out a strategy for Edinburgh Leisure sites to reduce our operations adverse impact on the environment.
Health & Safety Risk Assessments & Venue Operating Procedures
Risk Assessments & operating procedures for Venues, facilities and activities.
On Request
Mobile Phone Policy
This policy clarifies the responsibilities of employees and Edinburgh Leisure in managing the use of “Edinburgh Leisure” mobile communication devices.
On Request
Pool Water Policy & Management Plan
Outlines the installation and use of the pool water treatment systems in Edinburgh Leisure's estate and the training of staff in the use of the systems.
Pool Water Policy & Management Plan (328kb pdf)
Records Management
Outlines our policy on record management.
Records Management Policy Final (234kb pdf)
Recycling Rates
Details Edinburgh Leisure's recycling plan.
Recycling Rates All EL Sites 2012-14 (342kb pdf)
Retention Schedule
Details what documents we keep for how long and by whom.
Retention Schedule
Water Quality Policy
Details of our policies and procedures for pool water management.
Water policy (69kb pdf)

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Information about how we procure goods and services, and our contracts with external providers.

The information we publish under this class includes:How to access it
Procurement Strategy & Procedures
Edinburgh Leisure procurement strategy.
Procurement Strategy
Become a Class Instructor
Details how to become a Fitness Class Instructor with Edinburgh Leisure.
Become a Class Instructor

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Class 7: How we are performing

Information about how we perform as an organisation, and how well we deliver our functions and services.

The information we publish under this class includes:How to access it
Tracking our Customer Experience
Information on our Customer Experience Index and our Mystery Visitor Audits.
Success Measures
Information on Edinburgh Leisure key performance indicators and performance against them.
Board Reports
Staff Survey
Details the results of our staff survey.
Finance and Usage Performance Review
Information on our finance and usage performance outlined in our Board Reports.
Annual Report & Financial statements
Annual report and audited financial statements. Our latest filed accounts are available at Companies House.
Approved Board Reports
The reports for our Board Meetings (Redacted).

Approved Board Minutes
The approved minutes from our Board/Committee Meetings. The approved minutes will be published as soon as they have received approval (Redacted)

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Class 8: Our commercial publications

Information packaged and made available for sale on a commercial basis and sold at market value through a retail outlet e.g., bookshop, museum or research journal. 

The information we publish under this class includes:How to access it
Edinburgh Leisure does not hold or publish any information under this class.

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Class 9: Our open data

Open data made available by the authority as described by the Scottish Government’s Open Data Resource Pack and available under an open licence. 

The information we publish under this class includes:How to access it
Edinburgh Leisure does not hold or publish any information under this class.

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