
Edinburgh Kiltwalk 2024 - find out why Paul's joining Team Ageing Well on this walking challenge

Edinburgh Leisure | Wednesday 24th July 2024 12:02pm

Edinburgh Kiltwalk 2024 - find out why Paul's joining Team Ageing Well on this walking challenge

Ageing Well offers a range of fun, sociable and low-cost activities led by friendly trained staff and volunteers. The project keeps hundreds of older adults in Edinburgh more connected and more physically active.

Paul's Story

What motivated you to get involved with Ageing Well?

I wanted to get my confidence back in cycling, meet people to cycle with and improve my health. My physical activity levels were non-existent, I hadn’t cycled for over 20 years! I’d bought a bike but then COVID-19 hit and put everything on hold. I tried to go cycling after COVID-19 but understandably wasn’t so confident on the roads. 

 What was your experience joining Ageing Well?

I initially joined the cycle course at Saughton Sports Complex. I wasn’t very confident at first, however, the Volunteer Instructors were very kind, polite and welcoming.  They really helped boost your confidence, especially if you’re lacking confidence in a skill. The way the course was set up was really good because it started with the very basics and helped me remember all the things I’d forgotten.

The whole experience was really good. The rides were explained in a way everyone could understand – they even had maps of the route and the terrain. Level 1 was manageable as it built up gradually over the 11 weeks of the course at a nice pace. Level 2 started with slow, shorter rides and increased the distance and pace each week. We didn’t realise we were going further each time, the whole thing was well-organised and went at a manageable pace. And it was inclusive too, everyone went as fast as the slowest person. This was considerate, and it kept everyone together.

It was a great way to promote health in a way that’s not too demanding and progresses in a manner that accommodates different levels of fitness.

Ageing Well… and beyond!

Ageing Well proved to be just the start of my cycling journey. I set up a WhatsApp cycling group to stay connected and to organise meetups to keep cycling as a group. I also started going on cycles on my own.

It was at this point I was introduced to other cycle groups which covered longer distances between 10 and 20 miles. I then met the Edinburgh Cycling Club and met one of their members Gerry, who told me about the bike maintenance course he ran. I joined the course and learned how to change a tyre and fix a puncture, which was great. I then started helping at Dr Bike at Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre and got pretty good at fixing bikes. Some others and I were asked if we’d like to do our Bronze Bike Maintenance Course, and I jumped at the chance. That was in May, and then in June, I passed my Cycle Ride Leader Course through Cycling Scotland. So now I’m a Ride Leader and can lead rides all over the Edinburgh area.

How has your involvement with Ageing Well changed your life?

People have noticed the difference in me. I’ve lost weight, feel more energetic, and more alive. I’m surprised that I can go on much longer rides, far more than I ever expected. It’s led me to a more active lifestyle, and better physical and mental health, and I have gained so much – a greater sense of confidence and self-worth, not to mention a great group of like-minded friends.

I don’t think I would have ever got this far if I hadn’t done the Ageing Well Cycling Course.

Why are you joining this year’s Kiltwalk with Team Ageing Well?

The fact that Ageing Well did so much for me getting me back into cycling, I wanted to give back and what better way than to walk and raise funds for a very good cause that helps people like me get back into exercise.

And lastly, any tips on how you are going to prepare for it?

The Pentland Hills are a favourite walk – tranquillity, time to think, centre of the city yet you can’t hear the traffic. For me, it’s a time to be free.

I’ll also be doing local walks near me, around Corstorphine Hill and the Roseburn Path. And of course, I’ll be on the treadmill so I’m ready for the big day.




Team Ageing Well is joining the Edinburgh Kiltwalk on September 15th, making a difference to hundreds of older adults in Edinburgh.

To join Paul on the Kiltwalk, find out more here: