Gym Nippers – Pre-school gymnastics classes
Baby Nippers (walking – 18 months)
This 30-minute adult and child gymnastics class is suitable for children who are confidently walking – 18 months old. In our safe environment, it encourages the development of your toddler’s fundamental gross motor skills such as balance, rolling, sitting, crawling and walking using a variety of music, songs and rhyme as well as sensory toys, soft play equipment and gymnastics apparatus. It helps develop inquisitiveness through creative play and stimulates their senses and body awareness. These classes are also perfect for socialising with other babies in a friendly and inclusive environment.
Gym Nippers (18 months – 3 years)
This 45-minute adult and child gymnastics class is suitable for preschool children 18 months – 3 years old. Throughout class an ddult stays with the child to encourage and assist with the activities and join in all the fun.
Gym Nippers (3 – 5 years)
This 45-minute independent gymnastics class is suitable for preschool children 3 – 5 years old. Using large and small apparatus, this preschool class teaches gymnastics skills, balances, rolls, jumps, swings and introduces vaulting and floor work.
Gym Nippers (18 months – 5 years)
This 45-minute class is a combination of our Gym Nippers age groups and ideal where you have 2 children of different ages (one over and one under 3).
Jump Nippers (3 – 5 years)
This 45-minute independent class is suitable for preschool children 3 – 5 years old. Using the full-size trampoline is the perfect way to coach basic trampoline and rebound skills. Our qualified coaches use play, song, dance and movement in the sessions to encourage further social, emotional and language development. This is a great way for children to have lots of fun and lay valuable foundations for a healthy, active lifestyle.
Gym and Jump Nippers (18 months – 3 years)
This 45-minute adult and child gymnastics and trampolining class is suitable for preschool children 18 months – 3 years. Using large and small apparatus – including a full-size trampoline – this gymnastics class teaches gymnastics and trampoline skills, balances, rolls, jumps, swings and introduces vaulting and floor work. Throughout class, an adult stays with the child to encourage and assist the child with the activities and join in all the fun.
Gym and Jump Nippers (3 – 5 years)
This 45-minute independent gymnastics and trampolining class is suitable for preschool children 3 – 5 years. Using large and small apparatus – including a full-size trampoline – this gymnastics class teaches gymnastics and trampoline skills, balances, rolls, jumps, swings and introduces vaulting and floor work.
Rising Stars (invitation only)
This 45-minute, invite-only, independent gymnastics class is suitable for preschool children 4 – 5 years and is set up to provide participants who have shown natural talent within Gym Nippers the opportunity to develop their skills at a pace in line with their ability. It will give the participants more opportunity and focused time to learn skills of a higher level and build on their strength and flexibility.
Gymnastics Classes
Please book into our Entry Stage class if your child is new to our gymnastics programme or has had a break and is in Primary 1 or above. Even if they have done some gymnastics before, our coaches will assess all new children coming into these classes and will recommend the correct class for them to move to, if appropriate.
If your child has had significant recent experience please book in for a Gymnastics Assessment. Please note this is assessment is NOT for Beginners.
Entry Stage
Our 60-minute Entry Stage gymnastics class is the starting point for all new customers P1 and above. Participants will learn basic gymnastics skills and have the opportunity to build confidence and friendships as well as learning basic skills on vault, beam, bars and floor. They will gain exposure to different types of gymnastics equipment within this class and start to learn the basic skills on each piece of apparatus. There are no prerequisites for this stage of class.
Stage 1
Our Stage 1 gymnastics class is the next progressive level from Entry Stage. The class is 60 minutes and during this time participants will further develop the fundamental skills and will start to develop an understanding of the language used within the sport. At this level, they will start to show a desire to build their core, flexibility and strength which will aid improved performance. Participants will consolidate their learning and start to build accuracy on key skills that were learnt at Entry Stage. You cannot book directly into this class, please book into Entry Stage or request a skills assessment.
Stage 2
In Stage 2 gymnastics participants will be demonstrating that they are eager to learn, determination and have a desire to progress within the sport. Training time increases to 90-minute classes and at this level they will build on strength and stamina. On the apparatus, the gymnasts will start to develop their skills and progress onto more challenging skills and start to understand the need for good body tension and spatial awareness. You cannot book directly into this class, please book into Entry Stage or request a skills assessment.
Stage 3
Our Stage 3 gymnastics classes will further progress participants’ gymnastics skills. They will see an increase in the length of class to 120 minutes, along with more focus on the accuracy of the skills delivery. On apparatus, gymnasts will be challenged with more difficult skills needing good body tension and spatial awareness. You cannot book directly into this class, please book into Entry Stage or request a skills assessment.
Stage 4
Our Stage 4 gymnastics is the top level of coaching within our programme and only available at our bespoke facility at Tumbles at Portobello. Gymnasts continue to perfect the basics and start linking skills together more. Class length is 120 minutes. You cannot book directly into this class, please book into Entry Stage or request a skills assessment.