Easter Holiday Sports Camps and Coaching available to book now


Our coached Trampoline classes take place at Gracemount Leisure Centre and are open to boys and girls to learn and develop trampolining skills on our full size, competitive trampolines. While waiting their turn to bounce, trampolinists are kept busy with flexibility and conditioning development work to improve body strength, control and safety. 

All children start at Entry Stage where they master the basic skills and move up through Stages 1-4 as they become competent in the skills for that Stage.  If they have previous trampoline experience, they might be invited for a skills assessment and be directed to a more suitable stage. 

Children’s progress is monitored against the Edinburgh Leisure competencies and you can keep a track by signing up to our Coaching Home Portal.  We also run Trampolining sessions for children with additional support needs – the sessions are highly effective for increasing muscle tone, coordination and self-confidence.

Find the right class

Please book into our Entry/Stage 1 class if your child is new to our trampolining programme, or has had a break and is in Primary 1 or above. Even if they have done some trampolining before, our coaches will assess all new children coming into these classes and will recommend the correct class for them to move to if appropriate.

Trampoline Entry/Stage 1 (P1 and above)

Our Entry/Stage 1 class is a starting point for all new participants P1 and above.  This is where children learn fundamental trampoline skills and have the opportunity to build confidence, friendships and have FUN!  While waiting their turn to bounce, trampolinists are kept busy with flexibility and conditioning development work to improve body strength, control and safety.  There are no pre-requisites for this stage of class.  Please note Entry/Stage 1 is a combined class.

Trampoline Stage 2 

Our Stage 2 Trampolining offers an opportunity for those who have developed and perfected their basics and are ready to progress to a higher skills level.  Stage 2 participants will be demonstrating that they are eager to learn and have a desire to progress within the sport.  Class time increases to 90 minutes.  Sessions will include both flexibility, conditioning, strength and stamina alongside more advanced skills development to increase the overall skill base and prepare participants technically for further levels of trampolining.

Trampoline Stage 3

Our Stage 3 classes will further progress participant’s trampoline skills.  They will see an increase in the length of class to 120 minutes, along with more focus on the accuracy of skills, body tension and understanding of twists and rotations. Trampolinist will be challenged with more difficult skills needing good body tension and spatial awareness.

Double Mini Trampoline (DMT) Entry / Stage 1 

Double Mini Trampoline is an exciting discipline which involves sprinting down a carpeted track, hurdle stepping onto the DMT (which is like 2 mini trampolines that have been joined in the middle) to perform 2 linked skills and a dismount.

Our 60-minute Entry/Stage 1 class is the starting point for all new participants P4 and above.  This is where they will learn fundamental skills and safe preparation, progression and technique for the practical skills, have the opportunity to build confidence, friendships and have FUN!

Please Note: Entry/Stage 1 is a combined class. Participants must be in Primary 4 or above and have the prerequisite equivalent to entry stage gymnastics or trampolining (or undergo a skills assessment) before booking.

Trampoline ASN

This is a mixed ability level Trampoline class aimed at school age participants with Additional Support Needs.  They will learn fundamental trampoline skills and have the opportunity to build on skills ability, confidence, friendships and have FUN!  Some classes require an adult/carer to attend with the trampolinist and some are independent. To ensure we have the correct additional support in place and that there are no medical contraindications to taking part, please ask to discuss the class suitability with the Gymnastics Co-ordinator.



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